Tuesday, May 10, 2011


For centuries, asparagus season has been anticipated and celebrated.  People around the world have fallen in love with the delicate stalks of goodness.  In Germany, the love of fresh asparagus has resulted in a spring Spargelfest, where chefs compete to create entire menus featuring this spring delicacy. In fine restaurants throughout France you will find asparagus spears wrapped in fine white linen napkins to be eaten with a special pair of silver tongs.  If tongs are not available, Europeans, will brake their etiquette rules and eat the asparagus with their fingers.

Asparagus is a very versitile vegetable.  It can be enjoyed cooked and eaten hot or luke warm.  Salads of cold asparagus are also very delicious.  It can be served with a Hollandaise or Maltaise sauce, melted butter or spritz of fresh lemon juice.

Here are some new ways to garnish asparagus.  Give them a try~

The basic: melted butter, salt and pepper to taste
Go Nutty: chopped hazelnuts, pistachios or almonds
White and gold: finely sieved hard boiled eggs 
Red and green: puree a jar of roasted red peppers and top asparagus with this sauce
Light and bright: squeeze fresh lemon juice over fresh asparagus
Any salad dressing: pick the dressing of your choice and pour it on.