"Ch-ch- ch- chia" Can you hear the jingle running threw your head? You know, the one we hear every Christmas about chia pets. Well chia seeds are more than grass growing on the backs of clay dogs.
Chia seeds have reached celebrity status this year. The latest super seed to sprout up on grocery shelves has actually been around for centuries. Found in abundance throughout Mexico and South America, Chia was highly prized by the Aztecs, who believed it to hold supernatural powers. Derived from the Salvia columbarieae, a member of the mint family, Chia seeds are actually cousins to the sprouts found on your clay “pet.”
Chia seeds are an excellent source of omega 3 (greater source than flaxseeds), fiber, antioxidants, calcium and small amounts of iron.
In a study, Chia seeds were found to help reduce inflammation and blood pressure in folks with type 2 diabetes.
Because of its fiber content it also aids with satiety.
Uses: Because of its ability to absorb liquid easily and gel, Chia seeds are a great addition to oats and pancakes.
Seeds can be eaten raw and make a great addition to yogurt, breads, cookie batter, salads and other baked goods.
Recipe ideas:
Toss a handful (1/4 cup) of seeds into your next cookie, pancake or bread batter.
Sprinkle some atop a green salad
Instead of a poppy seed dressing, substitute Chia Seeds
Sprinkle atop yogurt
Add to homemade granola or energy bars.
Nutritional value: Just 1 tablespoons yields 37 calories, 3 grams fiber, 2 grams protein and 1.75 grams omega-3
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