1. The sound of cicadas humming in the night.
2. Finding wild berries along the road side and picking them without breaking out with a case of poison ivy!
3. Watermelon! Oh the wet and crisp sound of cutting into your first ripe watermelon!
4. Picking berries with a friend. I have picked over 16 pounds of blueberries so far this summer.
5. Sitting out on my deck with the lanterns swinging on the tree branch after the sun has finally set.
6. Having friends over for a cook out.
7. All the wonderful produce I just can't seem to get enough of.
8. Trips to the farmers market several times a week!
9. Getting corn silk stuck in my teeth after eating a delicious ear of corn. (Still haven't found the best corn yet. Perhaps the lack of rain is the problem.)
10. Early morning walks while there is still dew on the grass and taking in all of the wonderful smells of summer- like honeysuckle and fresh cut grass.
Here is a recipe I have made numerous time this summer. Wherever I take this dish, compliments and smiles come my way. Try it, you won't be disappointed.
Nappa salad
Mix together the following ingredients:
2-2 1/2 pounds (1 large head) Nappa cabbage, cut up
3-4 scallions, sliced thin
1 small head of Radicchio lettuce ( or you may use something else of color like red cabbage, sliced red peppers etc.)
Mix together the following ingredients:
2-3 T melted butter
1/2 cup sliced almonds, slightly toasted
1 cup unsalted sunflower seeds
2 pkg. Ramen noodles, broken up (discard the flavor packet)
1/2 c white vinegar
1/2 cup oil
1/4 cup sugar
3 T soy sauce
Toss everything together. Taste great if left to marinate overnight.
For variety, add other items such as: cucumbers, shredded carrots, or grilled chicken to make a complete meal.
What brings you join? Leave a comment to share your summer joys!
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