You have heard me speak of CSA's before, but I can't encourage you enough to go and join one yourself. Don't know how to join? Check this website out for one close to your home.
Are you planning a trip and want to stay true to your good eating habits? Check this great site out.
At this site you just type in your address and destination address and a listing of "eating well everywhere" establishments will be listed. How wonderful is that?
I would like to challenge you again this year to try and grow your own vegetables. You don't need to have a huge garden if you don't have the time or space. Start small so you can feel successful and proud! This weekend I dug up some asters that grow along the side of my garage. This is the sunniest space I have on my property and not very visible to me when I stand at my kitchen sink or sit on my deck. So I decided the flowers had to go to make room for some vegetables. I have planted some red beets, green beans, basil, tomatoes, and Brussel sprouts. I am very excited to see how this garden grows.
Find some space in your world and let me know what you plant and how it grows. We can all be farmers at some level!
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