I am always delighted when I learn something new! This week, in my CSA box, I received Garlic scapes. I pulled them out of my box and had no idea what they were. But I soon discovered what a wonderful treat I just received!
Garlic scapes(also known as green garlic) are the immature seed heads and stalks which are trimmed from the growing garlic bulb in June to give the bulb more energy to grow. Hard-neck garlic varieties send up a scape or flower stem, that should be picked before it opens and flowers. Garlic scapes can be used for early tastes of garlic without sacrificing the bulb.
Storage: place scapes in a plastic bag and refrigerate. Garlic scapes can be used in place of garlic .
Taste: milder than the actual bulb and the taste diminishes quicker than the bulb.
So if you have a digestive problem with garlic, but love the flavor try garlic scapes instead.
Check with your farmers market for garlic scapes. Better yet, grow your own!
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