Several years ago I had a young neighbor, 5 years old at the time, who was given the job of calling her dad to the dinner table. She bound out of her house yelling to her father that it was time for dinner and then she shouted, 'we're having corn on the bone!" So whether you call it "corn on the cob" or "corn on the bone" it all taste the same and this summer the taste is great.
Here are some corn facts you may not already know:
1. one ear of corn measures about 3/4 cup
2. a serving size of corn is 1/2 cup
3. corn is America's number 1 field crop
4. in addition to being a good food source, corn is used to produce ethanol which is added to our gasoline. Ethanol reduces the amount of pollution our cars create, thus helping to save our environment.
Nutritional value of corn:
one serving of corn (1/2 cup) will provide you will 77 Kcal, 1 g of fat, 3 g of protein, 2 g of fiber, 243mg vitamin A and 253 mg potassium.
Cooking time:
Corn is a quick vegetable to cook. Bring one large pot of water to boil. While the water is heating remove all the husk and silk from each of corn. Drop corn into the boiling. When the water returns to a boil, the corn is done. Remove from boiling water with tongs and serve hot.
Looking for a new way to serve and eat your corn? Try these delicious recipes.
Chili Lime butter
1 stick of butter
2 teaspoons chili powder
zest of one lime
lime cut into wedges
1. set your butter on the kitchen counter to cool to room temperature
2. in a bowl mix the butter and remaining ingredients
3. Serve with 6 ears of cooked corn in the cob
Avocado and Corn Salsa
3/4 cup corn, fresh or frozen
1/2 grape tomatoes, cut in half
1 medium avocado, diced
1 tablespoon fresh cilantro
2 teaspoons lime juice
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1.cut all of the vegetables according to ingredient list
2. toss them together in a bowl
3. serve with tortilla chips
recipes courtesy of foodtv.com